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Friday, 11 December 2015

Jy behoort aan JESUS ♡

Jy behoort aan Jesus

Vandat jy jou hart

vir Jesus gegee het,

behoort jy nie meer

aan jouself nie.

Jy behoort nou aan God,

en die Heilige Gees woon in jou.

‘Of besef julle nie dat julle liggaam

‘n tempel van die Heilige Gees is nie?

Julle het die Heilige Gees, wat in julle

woon, van God ontvang, en julle

behoort nie aan julleself nie:  Julle is

gekoop, en die prys is betaal.  Julle moet

God dus in julle liggaam verheerlik.’

1 Korintiƫrs 6:19-20

Vicki Fourie :  God lief my

Al die eer aan God

Jesus se Dogterkind/Facebook
Poppie Oosthuizen

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Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Here sit U helende hande oor my


sit  U  helende Hande oor my

en maak my los van al die angs en



hou my kalm en verwyder asb

die vrese in my lewe.

Wees met my 

asb  Liewe Heer.

Ek het  U nodig ... AMEN

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Moenie!!! 'n Wolk wees net omdat jy nie 'n ster kon wees nie ...


'n Wolk wees

net omdat jy nie 

'n ster kon wees nie

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(This is SO beautiful - I just HAD to SHARE it with you!)

Teen and Youth Devotion on Reading the Bible.  - Do you ever feel confused when you read the Bible? You’re not alone. Reading the Bible can be confusing at times. Its a spiritual book and the truths contained in it take time to dig out.

The good news when it comes to reading the Bible is that you’re not doing it alone. The Bible says the Holy Spirit will give special help to you and will be your teacher. He will show you truths as you read the Bible.

A good thing you can do to help you is to start thanking God for the Holy Spirit and His help in your life. Begin to believe that He will be your teacher and show you things.

As you start doing this, it will help make reading the Bible less overwhelming and will help you to understand what you’re reading easier when you realize that you’re not doing it alone. You have a helper and a teacher to help you navigate through Bible reading.

He will guide you into all truth; for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak; and he will shew you things to come. – John 16:13

So as you read the Bible, remember that you’re not doing it alone. You’ve got the help of the Holy Spirit to help you understand and show you things.

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